Index of /PyCon_global/PyCon2015-USA


Christine Spang - WebSockets from the Wire Up by PyCon 2015.pdf                            3.57M
Benoit Chesneau - What Python can learn from Erlang? by PyCon 2015.pdf                   190.93k
Jeff Schenck - The REST Ascendancy by PyCon 2015.pdf                                       5.19M
Dan Callahan - My Python's a little Rust-y by PyCon 2015.pdf                              28.22M
Dan Callahan - Fire your supervisord- running Python apps on CoreOS by PyCon 2015.pdf              285.06k
Colton Myers - Managing Your Infrastructure with SaltStack by PyCon 2015.pdf                6.81M
Brett Cannon - How to make your code Python 2:3 compatible by PyCon 2015.pdf              308.27k
Sarina Canelake - I18N- World Domination the Easy Way by PyCon 2015.pdf                    2.75M
Allison Kaptur - Bytes in the Machine- Inside the CPython interpreter by PyCon 2015.pdf              409.68k

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